This is ridiculous Barack is a Christian and when we pray it's always in the name of Jesus Christ. If he was Muslim then he would pray in the name of Muhammad. Duhh!
Warren's inauguration prayer could draw more ire - Yahoo! News
The Historic Journey becoming President of United States of America, with Liberty and Justice for ALL
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Barack Obama's senate seat replaced

AP Photo
Blagojevich uses his governmental authority to replace Barack Obama's seat by Roland Burris a man who actually ran against him for Governor
Blagojevich defies Senate, names Obama replacement - Yahoo! News
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Obama increases jobs goal to 3 million - Yahoo! News
President Elect Barack plans on creating 3 million American jobs...
Obama increases jobs goal to 3 million - Yahoo! News
Obama increases jobs goal to 3 million - Yahoo! News
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Essence Magazine Jan 2009 Cover America's First Lady
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Barack Obama Time Magazine 'Person of the Year'

President Elect- Barack Obama earns another mile stone. Named person of the year by Time Magazine.
Time names Obama 'Person of the Year' - Yahoo! News
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Ala. county passes Obama holiday -
Barack Obama Day! Not only is Barack the first black president for the United States of America but the first President - Elect to have an official holiday in his honor without even officially becoming the President.
Save the date: Ala. county passes Obama holiday - Yahoo! News
Save the date: Ala. county passes Obama holiday - Yahoo! News
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Obama plans to nominate Clinton for top diplomat - Yahoo! News
President elect Barack Obama plans to nominate Hillary Clinton as Secretary of the State...
Obama plans to nominate Clinton for top diplomat - Yahoo! News
Obama plans to nominate Clinton for top diplomat - Yahoo! News
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Obama and McCain say they'll work together

AP Photo
After winning the election President Elect Obama invites Senator McCain to Chicago to meet on how they can work together to fix & the country...
Obama and McCain say they'll work together - Yahoo! News
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Say Goodbye to BlackBerry? If Obama Has to, Yes He Can - NYTimes

Does this mean no more twitting???? If he has to then I say "no he can't" !
Say Goodbye to BlackBerry? If Obama Has to, Yes He Can -
Obama leaves Senate, names more White House aides - Yahoo! News
As Barack says goodbye to his US Senate of Illinois seat he shifts his attention to the White House...
Obama leaves Senate, names more White House aides - Yahoo! News
Obama leaves Senate, names more White House aides - Yahoo! News
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Obama: with election over, U.S. must work together
Now that the campaign is over the governing begins and Country first the slogan John McCain had now becomes a reality to Barack Obama has he strives to come together across party lines to do what's best not just for those who voted for him but for those who did not.
Obama: with election over, U.S. must work together - Yahoo! News
Obama: with election over, U.S. must work together - Yahoo! News
Thursday, November 6, 2008
President Obama's transition from campaigning to governing

As the world is watching, President elect Barack Obama's first decision was to pick his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, a House Representative from Illinois, a key position to needed to help get the country rolling...
nois House Representative accepts nomination as Obama's chief of staff_English_Xinhua
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama Pays Tribute to His Grandmother After She Dies

AP Associated Press Photo
On the eve of the Presidential election Senator Barack Obama's grandmothers passes on...its been a long road to the White House for but I'm sure Barack has peace knowing he had a chance to say goodbye and for her to see her Grandson positioned to make history that would be positive change for many.
Obama Pays Tribute to His Grandmother After She Dies -
Monday, October 20, 2008
Barack with his back against the wall
Obama: Powell will have a role in adminstration
Barack will have Colin Powell as one of his top advisers when he gets in the White house especially on foreign policy.
Obama: Powell will have a role in adminstration - Yahoo! News
Obama: Powell will have a role in adminstration - Yahoo! News
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Secret Service looking into Obama threat at rally - Yahoo! News
No weapon formed against Barack Obama will prosper, God is his rear guard.
Secret Service looking into Obama threat at rally - Yahoo! News
Secret Service looking into Obama threat at rally - Yahoo! News
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Barack walking out the Prophecy of Robert Kennedy

With less than 40 days before November 4, 2008 historic election we reflex back on the prophecy spoken by Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 (forty years ago) "Things are moving so fast in race relations that in the next 40 years a Negro could achieve the same position that my brother has..."
For a black man to be positioned to become the next President of the United States of America, only God Himself could cause that to happen and for that I say Amen and to God be the glory!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Obama inches ahead in tight race - Yahoo! News
After the debate debaucle drama of McCain Barack is starting to push ahead of the line
Obama inches ahead in tight race - Yahoo! News
Obama inches ahead in tight race - Yahoo! News
Saturday, September 27, 2008
War and taxes divide McCain, Obama in first debate - Yahoo! News
After the McCain drama bailing out on the debate for the bush $700 billion bailout McCain shows up after all and the debate goes on...
War and taxes divide McCain, Obama in first debate - Yahoo! News
War and taxes divide McCain, Obama in first debate - Yahoo! News
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Obama rebounds in polls as economic crisis bites - Yahoo! News
Barack rebounds in the polls as people start to see the truth and the light about the economic that seems to be falling apart yet John McCain tells says "the economy is fundamentally strong" as the Palin power fads into the a joke on Saturday Night Live.
Obama rebounds in polls as economic crisis bites - Yahoo! News
Obama rebounds in polls as economic crisis bites - Yahoo! News
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Barack's VP Joe Biden on Republicans Convention
McCain & Palin talking loud and saying nothing about the economy, middle class, education, or any of the issues...
Barack & McCain in New York on 9-11-08
Barack & McCain walking together in New York paying tribute to those who lost their lives 7 years ago.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Jobless rate jumps to 5-year high of 6.1 percent - Yahoo! News
No way No how No McCain/Palin Republicans repeat. Barack Obama/Joe Biden 2008
Jobless rate jumps to 5-year high of 6.1 percent - Yahoo! News
Jobless rate jumps to 5-year high of 6.1 percent - Yahoo! News
Clinton rejects McCain and Palin
Hillary rejects the McCain Palin nonsense "only Barack Obama offered the new ideas and the real change that America needs". "No way No how No McCain-Palin"
AFP: Clinton rejects McCain and Palin
AFP: Clinton rejects McCain and Palin
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Obama hits 50% mark in Gallup poll - Yahoo! News
Barack is now leading John McCain on the 3rd day of the republican democratic convention.
Obama hits 50% mark in Gallup poll - Yahoo! News
Obama hits 50% mark in Gallup poll - Yahoo! News
Monday, September 1, 2008
Barack & Biden first TV interview on 60 minutes
Labor Day weekend the official beginning of the Presidential Campaign.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Barack Obama its official

History happened today August 27, 2008 Barack is now officially the democratic presidential nominee for the President of the United States of America.
Dems choose Obama in thunderous acclamation - Yahoo! News
Obama in Denver for date with destiny

AP Photo
Barack heads to Denver for his historic coronation as the first black presidential nominee in the history of America! The struggle continues but to God be the glory for the things He has done.
Obama in Denver for date with destiny - Yahoo! News
Hillary Clinton calls on supporters to rally behind Obama
Last night Hillary called for the troops to get behind Barack. She said "there can be No Way, No How, No McCain"!
US election: Hillary Clinton calls on supporters to rally behind Obama in speech stressing Democratic unity | World news |
US election: Hillary Clinton calls on supporters to rally behind Obama in speech stressing Democratic unity | World news |
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Senator Kennedy addresses Democratic convention - Yahoo! News
Ted Kennedy goes beyond what his doctors orders or his wife's suggestion to speak on behalf of Barack Obama at the 2008 National Democratic Convention.
Ailing Kennedy addresses Democratic convention - Yahoo! News
Ailing Kennedy addresses Democratic convention - Yahoo! News
Saturday, August 23, 2008
And the winner is...Barack picks Joe Biden

AP Photo
Barack picks Joe Biden a 65 year old man with more than 30 years of experience in Washington...
Biden speaks — and speaks — his own mind - Yahoo! News
Barack Obama picks Joe Biden as VP
Barack Obama picks Joe Biden as his VP...
Barack Obama picks Joe Biden as VP nominee | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Washington News
Barack Obama picks Joe Biden as VP nominee | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Washington News
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Obama and McCain
Barack is also celebrating the two millionth donor to his campaign, with an grass roots movement ...and ain't no stopping us now.
Obama and McCain put religious credentials on line in forum - Yahoo! News
Obama and McCain put religious credentials on line in forum - Yahoo! News
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
'Republicans for Obama' take fight to McCain
Republicans who once favored and financed the Bush campaign is now backing Obama. Humm....
'Republicans for Obama' take fight to McCain - Yahoo! News
'Republicans for Obama' take fight to McCain - Yahoo! News
Monday, August 11, 2008
What Obama Can Teach You About Millennial Marketing - Advertising Age

Photo: Tony Pettinato
Barack Obama's tech savvy team knows just how to use this "Information Age Superhighway" to make things happen that "Industrial Age" thinkers are sleep on.
What Obama Can Teach You About Millennial Marketing - Advertising Age - News
Friday, August 8, 2008
Obama family heads to Hawaii, campaign stays home

Reuters photo
Barack heads Hawaii to get some much needed rest and spend time with his beautiful family and just chill.
Obama family heads to Hawaii, campaign stays home - Yahoo! News
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Man held in Fla. on charge of threatening Obama
Secret Service arrested a 22 year old man and is held on charge of threatening Barack, the man claims he has psycholgial problems... while massive military style weapons found in his SUV
Man held in Fla. on charge of threatening Obama - Yahoo! News
Man held in Fla. on charge of threatening Obama - Yahoo! News
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Obama leads McCain nationally in poll

Credit: AP Photo
Barack leads McCain in the poll as he continues the press into becoming the first African American President of the United States of America and the youngest.
Obama leads McCain nationally in AP-Ipsos poll - Yahoo! News
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
McCain camp portrays Obama as celebrity, not leader - Yahoo! News
The American people love Barack. McCains jealousy will get him nowhere, people are not stupid they know the difference between Hollywood and Haters reaching out for a lifeline on a sinking ship.
McCain camp portrays Obama as celebrity, not leader - Yahoo! News
McCain camp portrays Obama as celebrity, not leader - Yahoo! News
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Obama defends overseas trip, says it'll help US - Yahoo! News

AP Photo
Barack in London wraping up his European visit speaks to Prime Minister Brown...
Obama defends overseas trip, says it'll help US - Yahoo! News
Friday, July 25, 2008
Obama Heads for Paris and London

AP Photo
Barak in Paris today to meet with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, he said Senator Obama has captured the hearts and minds of the French people. Humm...I always heard the French people don't like Americans...
News Analysis - Obama Heads for Paris and London - News Analysis -
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Obama and German leader discuss war and economics - Yahoo! News

(Photo Jim_Young Reuters)
Senator Barack Obama continues his European journey as he flew to Berlin to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel after meeting with the leaders of Israel and Palestine
Obama and German leader discuss war and economics - Yahoo! News
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Barack Obama, Not Traveling Light Political Wisdom:

AP Photo
Barack traveling through the Middle East tours the citadel in Jordan with a entourage of of advisers and reporters
Political Perceptions : Political Wisdom: Barack Obama, Not Traveling Light
Obama in Israel | Video |
Barack visits Israel speaks on a nuclear Iraq as he assures them of his support
Obama in Israel | Video |
Monday, July 21, 2008
Rice told embassies to limit aid for Obama, McCain - Yahoo! News

AP Photo
Secretary of the State Condoleezza Rice gave orders to the employees at the US Embassies to give minimal help to presidential candidates. By the way it was also said it was simply a coincidence of the timing because the orders had been in the works for months.
Humm...seems like it was perfect timing
Rice told embassies to limit aid for Obama, McCain - Yahoo! News
Barack is in Iraq doing a McFadden & Whitehead
Barack... is going old school on them - Aint No Stopping us now - don't let nothing stand in your way.
If God is for you he is more that the world against you.
If God is for you he is more that the world against you.
Is media playing fair in campaign coverage? - Yahoo! News
First of all, what is playing fair when it comes to the media?
Please Barack is "ALL That" he is what the people want and the media is doing their job to make sure they keep their numbers up.
"You got to give the people what they want" I bet me and millions of others will be watching those interviews.
Is media playing fair in campaign coverage? - Yahoo! News
Please Barack is "ALL That" he is what the people want and the media is doing their job to make sure they keep their numbers up.
"You got to give the people what they want" I bet me and millions of others will be watching those interviews.
Is media playing fair in campaign coverage? - Yahoo! News
Iraqis say they like Obama, divided on his policies - Yahoo! News

AFP/HO Photo
Iraqis say they like Obama, divided on his policies - Yahoo! News:
Obama continues his trip in Iraq "Hisham Fadhil, a doctor in northern Kirkuk said Barack is much better than others because he is black and black people were tyrannized in America. I think he will feel our suffering.'"
Humm...In other words everyone in the world knows the plight of being born black in America with a history of slavery and discrimination...perhaps for the first time he if Black man becomes President people all over the world just may be proud of America "for the first time" like so many others.
Like the old school ad said "you have come a long way baby to get were you got today"
The struggle continues but through it all give God glory.
Obama Arrives in Iraqi City of Basra -
Baracks third day in the middle east Basra the second largest city in Iraqi he will be visiting American soliders and Iraqi officials
Obama Arrives in Iraqi City of Basra -
Obama Arrives in Iraqi City of Basra -
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Obama expected to meet with commanders of Iraq war - Yahoo! News
Obama stays the course as he has called for withdrawing U.S. troops within 16 months of becoming president...
Obama expected to meet with commanders of Iraq war - Yahoo! News
Obama expected to meet with commanders of Iraq war - Yahoo! News
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Obama Arrives In Afghanistan : NPR News

Associated press photo
Barack arrived in the middle east today (Saturday July 19, 2008) visiting the U.S. troops and officials in Afghanistan...looking very presidential I might add.
Obama Arrives In Afghanistan : NPR
Friday, July 18, 2008
ABC News: All the World's Obama's Stage
Obama goes to the world...
ABC News: All the World's Obama's Stage
ABC News: All the World's Obama's Stage
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Obama Holds Lead Over McCain, Despite Doubts on Foreign Affairs -
What a difference a day makes one day after the New Yorker Magazine fiasco...with all the madness going on with the economy, this is the best news I have heard in a long time...
Obama Holds Lead Over McCain, Despite Doubts on Foreign Affairs -
Obama Holds Lead Over McCain, Despite Doubts on Foreign Affairs -
Sunday, July 13, 2008
'New Yorker' cover angers Obama campaign

AP photo illustration provided by The New Yorker magazine, cover of the July 21, 2008..
This New Yorker Magazine cover is unfortunate and ugly, displaying the evil thoughts of mans heart claiming to be art, yet in the eyes of many is nothing but a picture of hate mail and hate comes from ignorance and fear.
A picture of Osama Bin Laden on the White House wall, the American flag burning in the fireplace, Michelle looking like a black panther and Barack with a turban on his head standing in the Oval office.
Nevertheless, this is to be expected when an African American man is campaigning and positioned to become the most powerful man in American and possible the world.
Humm...I wonder what New Yorker Magazine's advertisers would think if their products where boycotted for advertising in it or perhaps their subscribers pulled out on that might be worth the daps they are showing Michelle and Barack giving each other.
The Raw Story | 'New Yorker' cover angers Obama campaign
Barack Obama in a digital age
Barack sees the internet as a way for the poor to prosper more like a Google approach Mc Cain sees it more like AT&T Old vs New - its like the information age vs the industrial age... Worldwide Worldwide
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Obama asks supporters to help Clinton pay off debt
Obama ask supporters to help clinton pay off her dept, now thats what I call team work
The Associated Press: Obama asks supporters to help Clinton pay off debt
The Associated Press: Obama asks supporters to help Clinton pay off debt
Monday, June 23, 2008
Versace Dedicates Fashion Line to Obama

Obama is more than political inspiration he is also inspiring some big time fashion designers.
Political Radar: Versace Dedicates Fashion Line to Obama
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Barack And Michelle
What is the world? Be very afraid of the dap's AKA fist bump...from the young, gifted and black, on the way to the White House.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Political Wisdom: Is Michelle Obama Fair Game?

Getty Image
Controversy over Michelle Obama continues in reference to the comment she made being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life...many say they have been proud of America all their life well chances are they have also been white all their life never having to deal with the history of slavery that Black Americans have to deal with to this day.
Nevertheless, I'm proud to see a day that a man who stands for liberty and justice for ALL regardless of color with no malice in his heart and just happens to be black and positioned to lead a country that once lynched black man simply because of the color of their skin.
No matter what tactics people try during this presidential political process "if God be for you He is more than the world against you"
Political Perceptions : Political Wisdom: Is Michelle Obama Fair Game?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Obama leads McCain in November match: Reuters poll - Yahoo! News

Reuters Photo
Barack has a 8-point national lead on John McCain as Barack's focus has shifted from Hillary to a general election race...even though he has not official become the Democratic nominee.
Obama leads McCain in November match: Reuters poll - Yahoo! News
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Obama says Bush falsely accuses him of appeasement
As time passes it appears that Obama will be the democratic presidential candidate the insults seem to decrease from one area as it increase from the another...
The Associated Press: Obama says Bush falsely accuses him of appeasement
The Associated Press: Obama says Bush falsely accuses him of appeasement
Steelworkers Endorse Obama
Now they see the light its time for some one to get in the white house who will stand up for the rights of the people.
Steelworkers Endorse Obama - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Steelworkers Endorse Obama - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
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